Eventually his full name will by Cory Yevgen Duncan, "Yevgen" being his birth name (Eugene), and Jheny being his nickname, which everyone calls him. Please pray we get the best opportunity to share his new name with him. If he gets nervous, we may simply call him Jhenya for a while til he gets used to Cory. Cory means God's peace,' which we felt was apropos.
We visting Jhenya for the first time at the orphange on Friday. When we drove up to the orphanage we were pleasantly surprised to find it to be very clean and nice--some of the orphanages here can be very bleak places. The first thing we noticed, after the clean, nice grounds and play areas, were about 20 little ones in bathing suits taking turns swimming in a little plastic pool. They all looked very healthy and well fed, happy and smiling. A great sign. We then met with the director of the orphanage, and though our translator was interpretting for us, we could tell by her office, demeanor and body language that she was a very professional, warm-hearted person. Very impressive. Igor, our translator, explained to us that this was one of the nicest orphanages he had ever visited in Sonechko (which means little sun).
During the meeting with the director, she explained that Jhenya was a very healthy, smart little boy - a stand-out in the orphange, and that his mother was not an addict of any kind, but rather, she was often out of the country with work, and would just "drop off" Jhenya and his little brother, Oleg, at an orpahange, almost like a long-term daycare. After a while, neighbors and others complained and she then had her parental rights terminated by the court. Jhenya and his brother entered the orphanage in late 2005, so it's been about a year and a half for them. Oleg was recently adopted by a Canadian family, and so there is the possibility, of course, of the brothers being able to see each other in the future, which is a very nice option.
After the meeting with the director, we went out into the play yard and were able to see Jhenya from a distance, just interacting with the other kids naturally, not knowing we were there. He stood out to us as a leader of sorts of the other kids, most of whom were younger than him. He hugged the female worker/teacher several times while we we were watching. Then we approached him and he came up to us as Igor explained to him that we wanted to meet him, etc. He immediately gave us big hugs and said, "I want a momma and papa, and if you do not take me, I will run away and find my own momma, papa and bubushka (grandma). It was classic, and he said it in a funny way rather than sad way. We spent about an hour with him, just chatting, etc. We gave him two small toys that he liked very much. The experience was great, though a bit overwhelming, as you can probably imagine. Here you are with this little guy and in your head you are saying, "Is this our son?" etc. So, we told the workers that we would think and pray and come back again. Later that day, after a great conversaton with our America World rep, Kate, on the phone, we knew that Jhenya was the boy God had picked out for us.It was an amazing moment.
In the meantime, the paperwork side of things has been nothing short of miraculous. I will try to tell the whole story in another entry, but suffice to say that the gov't officilals have been very kind, efficient, and have been doing things for us after hours and even on Sat and Sun! Igor tells us that he has NEVER seen an adoption process go so smoothly. Right now we are just trying to pull together all the necessary adoption papers, which will be airmailed to Kiev on Monday. They will return here to Mariupol on Wed. We are hoping and praying that we will have our court date before the judge on Friday. Igor says it is looking good. If not Friday, then the following Monday. This means that Suzanne and all the girls could possibly be able to travel back to Kiev on in a week (next Mon or Tues), and then head home on Wed or Thurs (9 days or so). If this all falls into place, Igor says it will, literally, be the fastest adoption process he's ever seen, and he's worked with dozens of international families.
A little about Jhenya. We have visited him three times and I can tell you that he is very smart, very strong (a leader), and a bit mischievous, but not cruel, with the other orphans. One of the folks at the orphanage, an Italian woman who is adopting also, and has been there hanging out with the borther and sister she is adopting, said to us, "Oh, Jhenya! He is a wonderful boy - very healthy, unlike some of the kids here. And have you seen him run? He is like Speedy Gonzales. Yesterday an 8 year old boy challenged him to a race and Jhenya gave him a 10 meter head start and still beat him!" We laughed and shook our heads because I ran track and was similar as a kid, and my Dad (grandpa or "Dee" to Jhenya) is a track fanatic. It was really hilarious.
Kylie and Zoe have been able to visit J with us three times, but Hannah has had to stay back due to flu, which she's been fighting for 2.5 days. She is slowly getting better but it's a bit scary when your child is ill and you are staying in a remote city that is the industrial center of the country (very polluted). In any event, that brings me to prayer points:
1. Hannah that she would recover quickly. Full health and no dehydration.
2. Suzanne's health. Suz has had anxiety about Hannah and little sleep, so she is exhausted. She is not feeling well today, so needs prayer for good SLEEP and recovery.
3. That the adoption process would continue to race along at the amazing pace it's been going at so far.
4. That Suz and the rest of the girls can fly home by a week from this Thursday, which is Aug 2, I believe. That would be less than 2 weeks in-country for them, which really would be miraculous. ( I would stay and finish up paperwork, visa and passport stuff, medical exam - about another 10=15 days).
Finally, we could not be able to do this without Emily's help. She has been a godsend and an incredible help. She is doing well, considering that we are in a pretty intense, poor area.
Thanks so much. There is much to talk about but little time between doing this and that. Our major activities revolve around changing money, going to the orphanage, exchanging money, doing paperwork stuff, and thinking about making easy meals in the apt! It's been intense but a great bonding time for the whole family, including Kylie and Zoe, who are healthy and REALLY bonding with Jhenya. (I'll try to post some pics in the next few days - that's a whole different task I have not delved into yet - I hope it's possible.)
Blessings all! We appreciate you so much!
Kyle on behalf of "the girls" and Cory!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
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Dear Duncans,
We are so happy for you all. Cory sounds like a delightful little guy. What a great addition to your family.
It's also great to hear how smoothly everything is going. We'll continue to pray for a smooth and efficient process for you.
Our dossier did not end up getting submitted as we thought. So we're scrambling and hope to update the whole thing this week so it arrives early next week for translation. Never a dull moment!
We'll pray that everyone's health improves. It's hard enough to travel. Maybe now that you've found Cory, everyone will be able to rest a bit.
We are so thrilled for you.
Kathy & Matt
Congratulations and best wishes on your successful search. Cory sounds like a remarkable "son" who is so fortunate to join such a loving family. I can't wait 'til the next Christmas production from the Reed/Dunclan clan!!! Katelyn will be running cross country at her high school this school year, so when we all get together I can see some fun races happening - with Cory as the leader!!
Give Hannah our best and hope she's feeling better by the time you read this. Suzanne has especially been in our thoughts and prayers - hope she is feeling stronger now!
We look forward to seeing pictures of the family - and can't wait until we can all be together. I know the next time we get together for Christmas the Reed/Duncan clan will present an outstanding performance for everyone - with their newest addition!!
Take care and have a safe journey back home.
With lots of love,
Auntie Gloria and Uncle Gary
Praise the Lord for your news! I will continue to pray for you and your family, plus the legalities that must be worked out over the next couple of weeks. I'm sure Cory is as excited as you, and I'm looking forward to photos when you have a chance to post them. May God be with all of you.
Hi Everyone, We're so excited for you. Can't wait to meet little "Jhenya". Bet the girls can't wait to take him to his new home. I'd like to call him "C.J.",just a thought. He sounds like a very well adjusted child. Maybe he'll be the next "track star" at U.C.L.A.! We told Grammy and she is already asking when you'll all be out to Ca.? Hope C'mas time. We hope the next steps for the adoption go as smooth. Hope Hannah is feeling better. Give the girls a hug and kiss from us. You're all in our thoughts and prayers. Come home soon! Love, Papa Del & T.
Amazing story of little Jhenya! It is truly God's hand guiding all of you. I get so overwhelmed just thinking about him and how wonderful a family he is coming into. He already has soooo many people that love him and welcome him.
I am so sorry that Hannah has been so sick. I will continue to pray for her constantly Kyle and that Suzanne can get a good night of sleep.
I'm so happy that Emily is such a great help to you. She is such a fantastic person Kyle. So loving and giving!
I will pray for all of your requests and look forward to hearing from you again soon.
I'm so thrilled to hear about Cory and from your post, it sounds like God definitely made your path clear to you - I'm soooooo glad.
I can't wait to meet Cory - he's one month younger than my son, so I feel like I can imagine the twinkle in his eye and the "mischievous" you're talking about.
I hope that everyone is healthy soon and that the end of this fairy tale goes as well as the (in-country) beginning!
Blessings!! - stacie
Hi from Kim Klenner and Tracy Spanier
We are sitting here reading your blog and are so very happy for you and your family.
This is exactly what we have been praying for! We can't wait to meet him.
Safe travels home.
Such great news. It was great to hear your voice, Suzanne. I hope you and Hannah are feeling better. Hugs to Kylie, Hannah and Zoe and of course Cory. I can't wait until you get home. We're praying for you daily. Love and God Bless
We are so excited to meet and get to know Cory. We hope that Hannah is feeling better soon so that she can meet her new brother...poor baby! We'll say an extra prayer for her and for the whole gang. Also hoping that this WILL be the fastest adoption process that Igor has EVER or WILL EVER see! Love and blessings to everyone!
Hi guys! We're so amazed to hear about the quick and smooth process so far! Truly miraculous! It sounds like the Lord directed you to Jhenya. What an amazing experience...and a sure Duncan family blessing! He is blessed to be loved by your entire family. That is awesome that he could possibly see his brother in Canada. We are praying for you...thanks for the prayer request list.
May God keep on blessing you,
Love, Maria & Danny
Suzanne, you need to rest. You are such a giving person and you need to take it easy, you need your strength. I am so proud of you and what you are taking on. You know, I will always have your back.
I miss my little sister. Please give the girls my love and your new "Sonny Boy!"
What great news! Why am I not suprised this has gone so fast? God is so merciful....and we know you will continue to be blessed. Can't wait for you ALL to come home. We are here...waiting with open arms and helping hands. We love you all....
Kat and Scott
I'm so happy for you guys! I cannot wait to meet my little cousin!! Hope to see you guys at Christmas!
Wow! God is in the pilot's seat. Amazing to watch him fly! Big chills reading your report. You should be a writer...oh wait, you are.
Sure hope Hannah is feeling better. Kathy's ready to jump on a plane to come help.
Amazing! That's one lucky little ex-orphan. Congratulations on this edition to your family.
Dear Duncan Family,
We've been following your exciting travels. How VERY wonderful you
have found your Cory.
We pray for your safe and speedy return.
Hugs and Love to all...
David and Sandy
Kyle, Suzanne, Hannah, Kylie, and Zoe, and Cory,
I have been following your progress closely and praying for everyones' health and safety. I hope that Hannah is making a full recovery.
Congrats on the speedy process and finding Cory...it's meant to be.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all through the rest of the adoption process and your return home.
O.K. bring on the waterworks!!! I'm singing, "Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from Heaven above with Wisdom, Power and Love. Our God is an awesome God!!!!
The prayers availeth much! Yeah!?!?!?
I love you guys and can't wait to see all of you at the appointed time. I already have images in my head of Shepard going, "Come on, Cory, let's race! And then Shep will have to say, "Wow, you're fast for a kid younger than I am!!!"
Can't wait.......I love you guys xoxoxoxoxo Shan
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